Loneliness: 6 Ways Overcome It
Loneliness Loneliness is one of the main causes of depression among human beings. It is reported that 61 % of Americans have felt the aching pangs of loneliness, now that’s a huge number when you are talking about a country like the United States. But truth be told it really does not matter from which part of the world you belong, in fact, two in every five people (41%) of the world population have become lonelier in the last 6 – 8 months. Thanks to China! It’s time that we declare loneliness an epidemic. Let us try and understand what loneliness means in layman's terms “Loneliness is a state of mind linked to wanting human contact but feeling alone”. Now don’t get me wrong but people can be alone and not feel lonely, or they can have contact with people and still experience feelings of isolation. Researchers suggest that loneliness is associated with social isolation, poor social skills & introversion. Emotional pain is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the damag...